The Art of Making

The following exercises were created for teachers and students involved in the Art of Making module. With help of these exercises, students will learn how to design, build and program LEGO® robots to make them perform specific tasks, focused mainly around art. During the lessons students will familiarize themselves with various STEM related topics, such as: sensors, gear transmission, belt transmission, worm drive, differential drive, counterweight, center of gravity, sequence, algorithm, loop, conditional statement, variable, etc.

The course consists of 4 guided projects (Spirograph, Line follower, Drawer, Plotter) with detailed, step-by-step building and programming instructions and 1 open project (Robotic arm) where students design, build and program a robot themselves and test its operation in a classroom competition.

Each project is planned for 2 to 3 lessons. If you need more guidance, download our Beginner's Guide to MINDSTORMS® EV3.

Materials available in English, Polish, Dutch, Lithuanian and Latvian.

Access to 5 comprehensive robotics exercises covering 12 lessons lasting 45 min. each, designed to inspire and teach. Materials for every exercise include:

  • detailed instructions for building LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot,
  • extensive introduction illustrated with graphics and animations,
  • step-by-step programming guide,
  • instructions for testing and upgrading projects,
  • printable lesson plan for the teacher – a great source of ideas and assistance.

Lesson plans

In this project you will create an automatic drawing machine, inspired by the well-known Spirograph. You will program the spirograph robot in several different ways and you’ll be able to modify the patterns by adjusting the order and parameters of motor blocks used in the program. Try drawing with pens in various colors – this technique is guaranteed to produce some amazing patterns.
To test the robot, you’ll need a rubber band, a felt-tip pen (or similar) and several sheets of thicker paper sized 10 cm x 12 cm (4 x 4.5 in).
Exercise designed for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Education Core #45544 set.
In this exercise, you will build and test a simple vehicle. Its main task will be to follow a black line drawn on a surface. In the second part of the project, you will learn how to program the line follower by using two different algorithms. You will rely on conditional statements, mathematical blocks and loops. During the class, you’ll learn what the color sensor is and how it can be used in robotics and in applied science.
To test the robot, you’ll need a printed testing mat with black line, or a roll of black electrical tape.
Exercise designed for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Education Core #45544 set.
In this exercise you will build a drawer machine, which will allow you to design many complex patterns. First, you’ll find out more about technical drawings and their importance in desing. The second part of the project will encourage you to learn more about the construction of the drawer. Next, you’ll test how the model works and create a program.
To test the drawer, you’ll need a thin marker (~8,5 mm thick) and several sheets of thick paper.
Exercise designed for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Education Core #45544 set.
In this exercise, you’ll build a plotter. When complete, it will automatically trace the patterns you programmed onto paper. The second part of the project will encourage you to learn more about the construction of the plotter. Afterwards, you’ll write a program to control the robot and draw a simple motif. Finally, you’ll write a complex program, with a variable and an equation controlling the value of the variable, which will precisely outline a square spiral.
To test the plotter, you’ll need a felt-tip pen and several A4 paper sheets.
Exercise designed for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Education Core #45544 set.
In this exercise, you will design, build and program your own remotely controlled robotic arm. With the final result of this amazing individual project, will be able to move objects from one place to another. The first part focuses on designing its construction, the second on building, and the third part involves programming and testing the robotic arm model you had already built. By the end, you’ll be able to test the robot and present how it works.
Exercise designed for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Education Core #45544 set.

Project information

About the module:

How to raise an Inventor Logo Funded by European Commission

The Art of Making is one of four modules created for the project funded by European Commission. Module author: Ola Syrocka Module collaborators: Katarzyna Gliniecka, Dominika Skrzypek

Other modules:

Materials for other modules within the project can be accessed here.

About the project:

How to Raise an Inventor. Technology and engineering learning material for schools. Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education 2017-1-LT01-KA201-035284 02.11.2017 – 01.11.2019

Project Partners:

  1. Robotikos mokykla (School of Robotics), Lithuania
  2. Kauno technologijos universiteto inžinerijos licėjus (Lyceum of Engineering of Kaunas University of Technology), Lithuania
  3. Rīgas Valsts 2. Ģimnāzija (Riga State Gymnasium No 2), Latvia
  4. Fundacja Edukacyjne Centrum Doskonalenia (The Foundation for Educational Excellence Center), Poland
  5. Cooperatie Devlab, Development Laboratories UA, Netherlands
  6. BBS Haren Donk en Reit (Kindergarten and school de Haren), Netherlands